Pastor Search Committee SurveyPlease answer all questions based on YOUR experiences at First Missionary Baptist Church of Sebring, Inc. Member's Name * First Name Last Name Home Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Your Email Address (If Applicable) Phone # * (###) ### #### Part I : Pastor Characteristics: Question 1: What is the most important quality you look for in a pastor? A) Strong preaching skills B) Compassionate counseling abilities C) Effective leadership and vision D) Engaging teacher for all ages E) All of the Above F) Comments/Other (please specify) Question 2: What is your preferred age range for a pastor? (Choose Two) A) 20s-30s B) 40s-50s C) 60s – 69s D) Age is not a factor E) Comment/Other (please specify) Question 3: What level of experience do you prefer in a pastor? (Choose Two) A) Less than 5 years B) 5-15 years C) 15-25 years D) More than 25 years E) Experience level is not important F) Comment/Other (please specify) Question 4: What is your preference for a pastor's educational background? (Choose All that Apply) A) Bachelor's degree in theology or related field B) Master's degree in divinity or related field C) Doctoral degree in theology or related field D) Seminary education is not necessary E) Administrative/Business Skills F) Comment/Other (please specify) Question 5: How important is it that a potential pastor has experience in a church of similar size to ours? A) Very important B) Somewhat important C) Not very important D) Not at all important E) Comment/Other (please specify) Question 6: What style of preaching do you prefer in a pastor? A) Expository (verse-by-verse through a book) B) Topical (addressing specific themes or issues) C) Textual (focusing on a single passage) D) Narrative (storytelling style) E) All of the Above F) Comment/Other (please specify) Question 7: How important is it that a pastor has a strong focus on community outreach and missions? A) Very important B) Somewhat important C) Not very important D) Not at all important E) Comment/Other (please specify) Question 8: What is your preference for a pastor's leadership style? (Check all that Apply) A) Visionary (casts a compelling vision) B) Shepherd (focus on caring for the flock) C) Teacher (emphasizes biblical education) D) Administrator (strong organizational skills) E) Comment/Other (please specify) Question 9: How important is it that a pastor is relational and approachable? A) Very important B) Somewhat important C) Not very important D) Not at all important Question 10: What is the ideal minimum length of time you would like a pastor to commit to staying at our church? A) 5 years B) 10 years C) 15 years D) 20 years or more E) The length of stay is not important F) Comment/Other (please specify) Question 11: What is your preference for how a pastor prioritizes their time? (Check all that Apply) A) Focusing on preaching and teaching B) Investing in relational ministry C) Developing church vision and strategy D) Administering church operations E) Comment/Other (please specify) Question 12: How important is it that a pastor has a strong support from their spouse (if applicable)? A) Very important B) Somewhat important C) Not very important D) Not at all important Question 13: What style of worship service do you think a pastor should be able to lead? A) Traditional B) Contemporary C) Blended (Traditional & Contemporary) D) The pastor's worship style is not important Question 14: How important is it that a pastor is visible in the community (e.g., local events, service projects)? A) Very important B) Somewhat important C) Not very important D) Not at all important Question 15: What is the maximum acceptable commute time for a pastor? A) Less than 15 minutes B) 15-30 minutes C) 30-60 minutes D) More than 60 minutes E) Commute time is not a factor Question 16: How important is it for the Pastor to be Bivocational? (Should he have a job in addition to Pastoring). A) Very important B) Somewhat important C) Not very important D) Not at all important Part II: Church Membership Participation Survey We're interested in understanding your level of participation in your church community. Please answer the questions honestly. Your responses will be kept confidential and help us identify the level of membership participation in calling a Pastor to serve this church. 1. How often do you attend church services? A) Every week B) Almost every week C) About once a month D) Rarely E) Never 2. How long have you been a member of this church? A) Less than 6 months B) 6 months to 1 year C) 1-2 years D) 2-5 years E) More than 5 years 3. In what church activities have you participated in the past year? (Check all that apply) A) Sunday school or adult education classes B) Small groups or Bible studies C) Volunteer work (inside the church) D) Volunteer work (outside the church) E) Church social events F) Leadership roles (e.g. Committee, board, Choir, etc.) G) None of the above 4. How would you rate your sense of Family/community atmosphere belonging to this church? A) Very strong B) Somewhat strong C) Neutral D) Somewhat weak E) Very weak 5. How likely are you to recommend your church to others? A) Very likely B) Somewhat likely C) Neutral D) Somewhat unlikely E) Very unlikely 6. What motivates you to participate more in church activities? (Choose All that Apply). A) Spiritual growth opportunities B) Sense of community C) Opportunities to serve others D) Social events E) Leadership asking me to get involved F) Comment/Other (please specify) 7. What barriers prevent you from participating more in church activities? (Check all that apply) A) Lack of time B) Lack of interest in available activities C) Don't know where to get involved D) Feel like an outsider E) Health issues F) Comment/Other (please specify) 8. How can the church better support your spiritual growth? 9.How do you prefer to receive communication from the church? (Check All that Apply) A) Church website B) Social media/ Facebook or other social media C) Mobile app /Flocknotes or other mobile apps D) Printed newsletter/bulletin E) Phone calls F) In-person church announcements 10. What types of programming/ministries would you like to see the church offer that it currently does not? (Please provide feedback). 11. Any additional comments or suggestions for how the church can improve membership participation? (Please provide feedback). 12. Other Concerns. Thank you!Yours in Christ, The Pastor Search Committee